RAKO GF BIO prevents growing mildew in the joints

Mildew  in the joints between tiles – this is a frequent topic in a lot of households. The best position has the one, who does not have to solve this at all. One thing is enough – to choose the special jointing material RAKO GF BIO from the line RAKO SYSTEM. The jointing material RAKO GF BIO secures, thank to its formula, a high mildew resistance, but also a great bacteria and alga resistance. It is a light processable material with smooth, non-absorbing, high water-resistant surface. The RAKO GF BIO hardens so fast, that if you leave for a visit of your friend, you can walk on the newly jointed surface right as you come back home. The jointing material RAKO GF BIO is available in a dozen of the most demanded shades.

A bathroom is the place connected with cleanness and beauty. But also with wetness, that pays into the hands of moulds, especially on a porous absorbing surface, such as a usual jointing material. The opposite, where there is no chance for moulds to take roots, are smooth non-absorbing surfaces, such as the ones created by the jointing material RAKO GF BIO. Neither water, nor impurities stay on it and they stand out for their excellent washability. This secures an outstanding hygiene of the surface and an easy maintanance.




White, red or light grey?

You can choose the joints in many shades. The 12-color palette of the jointing materials RAKO GF BIO originates in the 24-hour color system RAKO OBJECT. It was developed in collaboration with many characters and ateliers from the field of design and architecture. 12 color shades of the RAKO GF BIO include both the day palette shades (orange, red or caramel ), and the night shades (grey, manhattan, light grey). Traditionally, the most popular shades are 120 (light grey), 121 (manhattan) and 122 (grey), mostly for their easy maintenance. Shiny shades get actually wash off with time due to the use of detergents, whereas the very light ones one the other hand fade out with irregular maintenance and start looking a little bit „smudged“.

RAKO GF BIO is suitable for jointing of wall and floor tiles, including natural stone. It finds its use in the widest range of use, including kitchens and hygiene demanding spaces. It is also suitable for spaces with size changes due to thermal expandability, e.g. heated floors, balconies or terraces. RAKO GF BIO is not suitable for contraction joints, where increased chemical resistance is needed.

The RAKO GF BIO jointing material is a part of the system sollutions RAKO SYSTEM – BATHROOMS and RAKO SYSTEM SILENT TILES. The RAKO SYSTEM product line represents products from the field of chemical products for building, apart from jointing materials e.g. materials for the preparation of the underlay (levelling materials, penetration, contact bridges, self-levelling materials), hydroinsulation filler, adhesives and an assortment of detergents and maintenance agents.



Tags: Bathroom, Floor, Advice